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SEO Audit on Video

The Best of the SEO Audits

SEO Audits are a great way to get the most out of your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts. Knowing whether your site is well-optimized for keywords and whether or not your content is easily discoverable by search engines can give you a huge advantage in today's competitive market. However, going it alone can be a bit tricky and intimidating. So, what if there was a way you could have someone else do the dirty work for you? Luckily, it is possible.

SEO Audits Are the Way to Go and NOW Come with a Full SEO Phone Consultation.

These are the SEO Insights That Will Lead You to #1 Rankings for MANY Profitable Search Terms!


Take Advantage Now, FILL OUT FORM, FREE!

When Implemented, the Correlation Data Reversed Engineered from Our New SEO Audit Analysis Tool Now Brings Us Closest to Guaranteeing a #1 Ranking Position for Any Search Term Than Ever Before!

When All the Recommendations are Followed Through and Properly Optimized Better than the Top Competition for that Search Term Your First Place Position is Just Waiting for Your Move.

SEO Audit Results

Our new SEO Audit Analysis Tool makes use of correlation to reverse engineer possible content ranking factors and also provides prioritized recommendations with regard to the best way to adjust your content.

SEO Audit Recommendations

Correlation is the most effective data one can precisely compute from the search results.

Using this strong correlation makes investing our time in your SEO tuning better than everyone else's.

If a factor does not at the very least correlate with rankings, then we are frittering away time and money on it.

When we start outlining the data on what is working in your specific keyword space, you will be astonished at just how much of the traditional SEO advice is plain wrong and probably damaging!

To better understand when the word ‘zone’ when used in the audit language, here is a list of zones.

SEO Audit Correlation Charts

-> Heading Tags
-> HTML Tag
-> Canonical URL
-> Meta Description
-> Section Tag
-> Strong Tag
-> URL
-> LI Tag
-> Alt Attribute
-> H1 Tag
-> Absolute URL
-> P Tag
-> Sentence
-> Title Tag
-> Attribute
-> Domain
-> Title Attribute
-> Etc., Etc....

Match Types

A Match includes any words that Google considers a hit.

Leading Match includes any words that Google considers a hit that appears at the beginning of a zone. Exact Match includes any words that Google considers a hit that exactly match the contents of the zone. Exact Search Term Match is when target search terms exactly match the contents of the zone whereas other Google hits are excluded in this first correlation below.

Analyzing up to 550+ SEO Factors for Your Target Keyword

First, we list in detail the 424 on-page SEO factors that we analyze from the top 100 ranking results in Google. These factors are examined for the targeted search term against your web page to determine what needs to be optimized and just as important, what does not need to be optimized to get that term ranked in the first place organic position.




(1) Phone at (610) 768-0357 or (800) 430-0205

(2) Email at info @ firstplacepositioning.com

(3) Click Here to Use the Contact Page Form

(4) Use Form in the SIDEBAR of All Inner Pages

(5) Schedule a Free Consult WITH SEO Audit at https://calendly.com/times/

Your FREE SEO AUDIT comes with Full SEO Consultation
(Limited to One SEO Audit Per Company)


Google Result Display Url Matches - This factor is a count of the number of matches that occurred in the URL fragment displayed in the search result. The matches counted include any of the relevant hits highlighted/made bold by Google in the search results.

Google Result Document Matches - This factor counts all keyword matches in the file name (document/file name) i.e. "keyword-phrase.html". The matches counted include any of the relevant hits highlighted by Google in the search results.

Google Result Domain Has Hyphen - This factor correlates with the presence of hyphens in the URL's domain name and excludes any sub-domain components. This factor correlates with the presence of the factor on the page and not the amount of that factor.

Google Result Domain Has Numbers - This factor correlates the presence of numbers in the URL's domain name and excludes any sub-domain components. This factor correlates the presence of the factor on the page and not the amount of that factor.

Google Result Domain Leading Matches - This factor correlates the presence of leading matches in the URL's domain name as a factor and excludes any sub-domain components. The matches counted include any of the relevant hits highlighted by Google in the search results that appear at the beginning of the targeted zone.

Google Result Domain Length - This factor correlates the length of the URL's domain name in characters and excludes any sub-domain components. This factor does not involve any match counts.

Google Result Domain Matches - This factor correlates the number of keyword matches in the URL's domain name and excludes any sub-domain components. The matches counted include any of the relevant hits highlighted by Google in the search results.

Google Result Has Domain In Link Text - This factor correlates having the domain in the result link text (result title) with rankings. The match counted is only the domain name.

SEO Audit - Phone

Google Result Has Domain Phrase In Link Text - Correlates having a domain phrase matches in the Google result link text as a factor. The match counted is only the domain name less the top-level domain (TLD).

Google Result Has Dot Com - Correlates having a .com in the Google result URL top-level domain as a factor. This factor correlates with the presence of the .com domain name.

Google Result Has Dot Com Net Org - Correlates having a .com, .net, or .org in the Google result URL top-level domain as a factor.

Google Result Has Exact Match Domain - This factor correlates with the presence of an exact search term match domain name (i.e. keyword.com). The matches include only those that exactly match the target search terms as well as the whole content of the zone.

Google Result Has File Extension - Correlates having a file extension in the Google result URL as a factor. This factor correlates the presence of a file extension (i.e. .html).

Google Result Has Params - Correlates having a parameter in the Google result URL as a factor. This factor correlates with the presence (not the amount) of parameters (i.e. ?a=1&b=2) in the URL.

Google Result Has Price - Correlates having a price markup in the Google result as a factor. This factor correlates with the presence of price schema data in the Google result.

Google Result Has Rating - Correlates having ratings in the Google result as a factor. This factor correlates having rating data in the google result.

Google Result Has Rewritten Page Title - Correlates having a rewritten title in the Google result link text as a factor. This factor correlates if Google rewrites the page title in the Google result affecting rankings.

Google Result Has Schema - Correlates having a schema markup in the Google result as a factor. This factor correlates if having schema data in the Google result affects rankings.

Google Result Has Subdomain - Correlates having a subdomain in the Google result URL as a factor. This factor correlates if the presence of a sub-domain (i.e. blog.domain.com) affects rankings.

Google Result Has Unmodified Page Title - Has unmodified title in Google result link text. This factor correlates if Google does not rewrite your page title in the Google result affects rankings.

Google Result Host Has Numbers - Correlates having numbers in the Google result hostname as a factor. This factor correlates if the presence of numbers in the hostname affects rankings.

Google Result Host Leading Matches - Correlates having leading matches in the Google result URL hostname as a factor. This factor correlates if the presence of a leading match (i.e. Keyword.domain.com) in the hostname affects rankings. The matches counted include any of the relevant hits highlighted by Google in the search results that appear at the beginning of the targeted zone.

Google Result Host Length - Length in characters of Google result URL hostname. This factor correlates the character length of the hostname with the ranking position.

New SEO Audit - Watch

Google Result Host Matches - This factor correlates the number of keyword matches in a hostname with the ranking position. The matches counted include any of the relevant hits highlighted by Google in the search results.

Google Result Link Text Exact Match - Correlates the number of exact search term matches in the Google result link text as a factor. This factor correlates the presence of an exact search term match in the result link text (result title) with rankings. The matches include only those that exactly match the target search terms as well as the whole content of the zone.

SEO Audit for FREE (limit one per URL) - Comes with Full SEO Phone Consultation (Screencast Live or Screencast Recorded) for You!


THERE ARE TOO MANY SEO FACTORS To LIST HERE - However, we will freely share them with you.

New SEO Audit - Office

SEO Audit Off-Page Factors

AhrefsAlternateBacklinks - This SEO factor correlates the number of alternate backlinks reported by Ahrefs with Google's ranking positions.

AhrefsBacklinks – This SEO factor correlates the number of backlinks reported by Ahrefs with Google's ranking positions.

AhrefsCanonicalBacklinks - This SEO factor correlates the number of pages citing the page as the canonical source reported by Ahrefs with Google's ranking positions.

- Ahrefs Dofollow Backlinks
- Ahrefs Domain Rating
- Ahrefs Edu Backlinks
- Ahrefs External Links

SEO Audit Philadelphia with Resources and SEO Tools


SEMRush Factors and Analysis


Additionally, by using SEMRush we can pull even more off-page SEO data, and below are the exact SEO factors analyzed when performed.

- SEMRush Advertiser Ad Places
- SEMRush Advertiser Ads
- SEMRush Advertiser First Seen
- SEMRush Advertiser Last Seen
- SEMRush Advertiser Media Ads
- SEMRush Advertiser Text Ads

There is more information provided in the SEO Audit including charts for the top 10 results for the various SEO ranking factors along with LSI keyword phrases.

You also get a full explanation of the results and the steps to take to optimize the items most necessary to better gain FIRST PLACE RANKINGS.

Of course, we are a full SEO service provider and we can implement these optimizations and properly tune your web pages so you can gain the top rankings for the search terms of your choice starting today.

You can also provide this report to your own SEO and have them do the work for you, too. (However, don't forget to get a quote from us after they tell you what they want to implement these changes).

LSI Keywords from SEO Audit




(1) Phone at (610) 768-0357 or (800) 430-0205

(2) Email at info @ firstplacepositioning.com

(3) Click Here to Use Contact Page Form

(4) Use Form in the SIDEBAR of All Inner Pages

(5) Schedule Free Consult WITH SEO Audit at https://calendly.com/times/


Your FREE SEO AUDIT comes with Full SEO Consultation
(Limited to One SEO Audit Per Company)